Friday 19 July 2013

A Window of Opportunity

I see things in a clear and simple way when it comes to democracy; the more people involved, the greater the chance of success. And that comes from a chap who wasn't even registered to vote himself until the age of 27. But in the little time I have been working on this campaign, it’s become clear that some things just make sense.

In what feels like a lifetime but in reality has only been three years, I have managed to put this campaign ahead of earning money, allowed it to come between some pretty good relationships and been asked on numerous occasions “when are you going to get a real job?” In fact my acting coach will often say I “have to forget this bullshit and get to Hollywood" (his exact words!) but, he, like others close to me, just don’t get what I do and the reasons why I do it. I guess certain things choose you rather than you choose them and your resilience to carry on hurdle after hurdle makes you realise you’re doing the right thing – because it feels right.

There’s a Mumford and Sons tune that I really relate to called ‘Lovers Eyes’ and one line in particular “Do not ask the price I pay, I must live with my quiet rage, tame the ghosts in my head, they run wild and wish me dead”. I think sometimes my biggest hurdles are the ones in my own head, the times I allow doubt to creep in and insecurities to take over. It’s always obvious to those who know me well, as I am quiet, and that’s just not normal for me. I have always been someone who loves to make others laugh, to be centre of attention, and that has meant I don’t get to be quiet without someone asking me what’s wrong.

The thing is, I am committed to this for a reason. The belief that what could be achieved is far greater than any personal gain I could imagine - the chance to be a part of something that no one has achieved before. Something that could change the way people view and engage with politics forever in this country. All over the world people are sacrificing themselves, their health, their wellbeing, their way of life for the rights we take for granted. So giving up in Britain is not an option.  

I regard myself as a very fortunate 30-year-old man (alright then, boy). I am someone who has travelled round the world, seen and experienced some amazing things and met many people I look up to and believe in. I’m able to let those memories provide me with the strength to carry on when times get tough. 

I will go back to acting, George Clooney style, (i.e. make it when I'm 38). That gives me a window of eight years to find someone to have a family with, get a season ticket for Chelsea and acquire a reasonable level of disposable income.  Now as far as lists go that’s not bad at all, perfectly achievable. But creating a campaign, seeing it grow to a point where it becomes a living entity in the minds of thousands of young people around the country, that’s something you can’t buy.

The empowerment of young people is the greatest thing we could achieve within society, allowing them the chance to shape the communities they want to grow up in and we help install the core beliefs that politics is about ensuring the generations that follow ours don’t have to experience the same struggles. For that to be achieved we need to create safe environments in class rooms, with great teachers that can facilitate difficult conversations around topics such as racism, relationships, mental heath and politics, to name a few.

I often say to people that a country should not be measured or ranked by the amount of money it makes, but by the wellbeing and happiness of its citizens. I have seen it with my own eyes within countries that have nothing like what we have here, but its people are happy. Are you?


Tuesday 26 June 2012

6 Months later and I am back....

I often believe that when inspiration comes it can hit you in the face harder than a blow from Flyod Mayweather JR and you act on it, wondering why it took you so long to realise. 

For me it was on Monday night, I watched a screening of a documentary called 'My Neighbourhood' created by the team at Just Vision. The film looks at the civil unrest between Israel and Palastine and the settlers claiming peoples homes in the name of religion- a deep watch for a Monday eve but what a wake up call.

I went home and managed to draw a line in the sand with the few people in my life I have felt negativity towards because if the truth be known, what a waste of energy it is to be unhappy with anyone. I would not change what has happened, even if I could- seems like a cheap remark but every experience shapes the person we are and the person we become. That is not always the person we want to be so things like this allow you to get yourself back on track. Plus I have the great part of my life where all my experiences can be reflected on when I portray a character, its just nice to be able to differentiate between those days when I am acting and using the memories and those days when I just seem to let things play on mind...

God only knows why I am wide awake at 3.45am, and I'll pay for that later that's for sure... 'Michael Sani - Actor' hmmm, so when is this break coming? When will I discover that role that will propel my career? You tell me. Do I honestly still believe in the fact that I am an actor and its a career path for me? Hell yeah! But until then I have another mission on my hands- one that has many ups and downs but is the most rewarding thing I have ever done- of course I am talking about Bite the Ballot and the journey of engaging young people in politics, another one of those 'how has this happened questions' but after 25 months of actively working on this project I tend to justify my involvement more as 'I didn't choose it, it chose me'.

Even today, well yesterday, I got stopped on Carnaby Street by a chap named Gabriel who was promoting the work of Shelter. We ended up talking about what I do and he genuinely seemed impressed and excited but still said "but it's all f**ked, I admire what you do but I fear its a waste of time" to which I replied "how can you say that? You have to believe in change because if you don't then what do you live for? The women that campaigned and died before the right to vote was given to them, they must of been told that nothing would ever change, yet they continued and many of them never saw the change, but it happened. How many black people in South Africa died fighting for the right to vote and never saw it given to them? But changed happened"

In my life time we may not see a democracy made up of people that can emotionally relate to some of the decisions they make, or a parliament that reflects the people we have living in the UK but it may be said, one day, that all the efforts by so many people and organisations today set the ball rolling for the future generations and that is why I do what I do- if I can throw a couple of films in there too  then great!

Sunday 29 January 2012

Time ticks and the pathway evolves!

Have no fear my friends- I have not gone off hiding in a cave and given up on the acting career that lies before me. I have been a busy chap in other areas- mainly Bite the Ballot as I really put my heart and soul into that last year.

That’s become my baby, for want of a better expression, and I have enjoyed taking that to new levels, I really believe we can make history with this movement and it is the most meaningful thing I have ever done. I see the difference it makes to the lives of others and it makes all the sacrifices worthwhile.

I am meeting and working with some really great people too, which will lead to more opportunities in the future, ones that could see Michael Sani appear in the credit list of a cinema near you!

I know I have evolved as a person over this last year and I guess that’s what this journey is about- I am patient, I am enjoying the chase and the hurdles because I know when I make it, I will miss these days.

I am approaching the five-year mark now, that’s when I got home from travelling and decided that the acting path was the one I was walking down.

Even the way I approach my networking has changed now, in the early days I used to be desperate to tell everyone I was an actor and now I just enjoy sharing interests and news of current projects and suss out whether there is a chance to work together in the future. My manager has been organising lots of generals and I have been meeting some new casting directors of late, which is great and I am extremely thankful for the relationship I have with my manager- he is in this for the duration as am I and we share a common vision of all the exciting experiences the future holds.

I have rolled the dice and tried my hand with a new agent- one that has seen me link up with an old friend in the search for more auditions and work. This now means I have an agent and a manager- very posh ay?

I still hope to bring you Frank James and develop his journey over many episodes and seasons of Safe Light 19. He is such a great character and one that I feel I know inside out, even to the extent that I often ask myself “what would Frank do in this situation?”

For me that’s the beauty of doing what I do- I have many different aspects of my life, from teaching to inspiring a political revolution, but each week I go to my acting workshops to master my craft and escape from my life to become someone else’s- its an indescribable feeling and you always search for the next one, that alone will ensure I am in this for life- giving up just isn't an option.

Wednesday 17 August 2011

An actors Insecurities

It is a well known stereotype that all actors are insecure... where those insecurities lie in each individual can be different. For some it's in their relationships, others in their work and for some others it's in the trust they hold with friends and colleagues.

I woke up on Tuesday morning following an amazing evening with a great team and audience that played a role in our pilot show and I laid there, worrying about some of the most stupid things rather than how amazing things are for me right now.

The world is an amazing place and I think sometimes it is easier to see the bad than all the good. Naturally when you work under pressure and for no financial reward you will step on each others toes and feel let down by those you trust. That said though, when you take a moment to allow life's roller coaster to pass you by and take in all that's around you, all those you are lucky to know and work with, you begin to see that in fact everyone has tough times and it's those tough times that make you more determined to succeed.

To dare to believe that your life can fulfil the lives of others and to remain a good person full of love and positivity is all that's on my mind! You have to work the way your made, the way your instincts and morals guide you to and you cannot possibly please everyone, every time. You have one life, you must live it to the full, never waste a smile and always see the good in those around you, even when it is easier to see the bad.

I am a firm believer in the law of attraction, it was introduced to me when I was travelling and it's basic premise is to bring to your life what you are thinking about, so, in simple terms if you constantly worry, you will attract more worry, if you think of the good things in life, then they will come more and more. try it.

In the words of Winston Churchill
"I am an optimist. It does not seem too much use being anything else".

To the future! ching ching....

Friday 12 August 2011

No time to relax when there's work to be done!

Good morning sports fans....

Sorry it has been a while since I wrote, it has been manic, with its fair share of stress, ultimatum and excitement. Those of you that have followed me for a while (some with a choice, some without) will know I have been experiencing some real firsts as my four and a half year journey continues.

Those firsts included a trip to Paris to premier Safe Light 19, a Q&A and a signing session.. what a buzz that was and my thanks again to Darren S. Cook and all involved with Safe Light 19. I look forward to growing the beard again soon for some more instalments of Frank James!

I am off to LA LA again at the end of this month thanks to my amazing friend and publicist Catherine Lyn Scott, you may have seen some of the press she has been attracting which saw yours truly feature on Yahoo, E Entertainment and many more. It is an amazing industry to be part of and even though I am four and a half years in, I am forever learning how to play the game. You see there have been times when I have been available but no phone call and now I am beginning to get busy, there is an increase in demand. Crazy, but that's the way it is. I guess.

I am still working with my acting coaches Michael Duvall and Stephen Cranny, been with those guys now for over 3 years and really enjoy mastering my craft with them. I see that as my time to escape everyday life and become a new character or characters for three hours on a Wednesday!

Now, as some of you know I have become, over the last 15 months, a slight Political Activist working with a growing team of young people to inspire others to believe in the power of their vote. That campaign is called Bite the Ballot and it is one of the best things I have ever worked on because it is a real challenge to try and break the growing trend of non voters! That said, I am working with some tremendous people that do not understand the word impossible and we are cracking on.

Even today, as I finish this blog I am sitting inside Studio 2 at Maidstone Studios because we are making our own show. Yep... Stu and Ben, two of the core team approached Geoff Miles with an idea for a show and three months later we are making the final preparations before filming it.

Thanks to everyone who has supported me on all projects, thanks to my family and friends for riding the highs and lows with me, couldn't do it without you.

Onwards and upwards...

Speak soon ;)