Sunday, 29 January 2012

Time ticks and the pathway evolves!

Have no fear my friends- I have not gone off hiding in a cave and given up on the acting career that lies before me. I have been a busy chap in other areas- mainly Bite the Ballot as I really put my heart and soul into that last year.

That’s become my baby, for want of a better expression, and I have enjoyed taking that to new levels, I really believe we can make history with this movement and it is the most meaningful thing I have ever done. I see the difference it makes to the lives of others and it makes all the sacrifices worthwhile.

I am meeting and working with some really great people too, which will lead to more opportunities in the future, ones that could see Michael Sani appear in the credit list of a cinema near you!

I know I have evolved as a person over this last year and I guess that’s what this journey is about- I am patient, I am enjoying the chase and the hurdles because I know when I make it, I will miss these days.

I am approaching the five-year mark now, that’s when I got home from travelling and decided that the acting path was the one I was walking down.

Even the way I approach my networking has changed now, in the early days I used to be desperate to tell everyone I was an actor and now I just enjoy sharing interests and news of current projects and suss out whether there is a chance to work together in the future. My manager has been organising lots of generals and I have been meeting some new casting directors of late, which is great and I am extremely thankful for the relationship I have with my manager- he is in this for the duration as am I and we share a common vision of all the exciting experiences the future holds.

I have rolled the dice and tried my hand with a new agent- one that has seen me link up with an old friend in the search for more auditions and work. This now means I have an agent and a manager- very posh ay?

I still hope to bring you Frank James and develop his journey over many episodes and seasons of Safe Light 19. He is such a great character and one that I feel I know inside out, even to the extent that I often ask myself “what would Frank do in this situation?”

For me that’s the beauty of doing what I do- I have many different aspects of my life, from teaching to inspiring a political revolution, but each week I go to my acting workshops to master my craft and escape from my life to become someone else’s- its an indescribable feeling and you always search for the next one, that alone will ensure I am in this for life- giving up just isn't an option.